27 Marketing Ideas for Apartments That Work

Outreach Marketing Ideas for Apartments

Trying to gain a wider audience to help promote your apartment complex? Well, here are some of the best outreach marketing ideas for apartments to grow your business. You can also rest easy as all these strategies have been tested and work if some of the criteria meets your area.. If you want to grow your business and want to know how you can reach more renters, then take into account the the following ideas!

FACT: According to research, for all apartment related searches in 2019,  two-bedroom apartments comprised 42.37 % of the searches.

Offer Upgrades Instead Of Discounts

Only 36.4 percent of people in the median age of 35 years old, owns a home, and the remaining are renters.  Renters at this age are more inclined to be more interested in luxurious apartments.

Offering discounts will surely make them interested, but if you want to generate results then offer them upgrades. For example, offer appliance upgrades, window upgrades or offer other upgrades that may entice them to initiate to rent the apartment.

Focus On The Needs Of A Renter

Focusing on the needs of a renter will help you improve your relationship with the renter as a person. You should help guide your renter in the right direction, even if it doesn’t involve the apartment. The human connection will leave a lasting imprint with the renter and even if they don’t end up renting with you at the moment, they may return if they are unable to find a place.

Better relationships with people leads to better results in the future and will encourage your renters to point more renters to your direction. 

Referrals are always key in renting any vacancies.

Send Virtual Tours In Follow-up Emails

Let them know you are ready to answer all of their questions by sending them follow-up emails. The most effective way to take this follow-up email idea to the next level is by sending renters the virtual tour of your apartments.

It will show how helpful you are and ready to answer any question, which will also give the renter a better understanding of your community and apartment.

It will also help save time. It will save you time by not having to show people an apartment that they might not be interested in. 

Be Clever While targeting Audience

If you want to target the right audience at the right time then you have to be clever and aware of the audience you are dealing with.

For example, if your target audience is 18-34 years of age then using social media will be most effective because you can micro target your audience to specific demographics. In the United States, 7 out of 10 people use Facebook, that’s 69% of the population. 

Host Monthly Events

In this outreach marketing idea, consistency is the key to get renters interested. If you are not consistently hosting monthly events for your residents then you aren’t giving something to renters to look forward to.

Host any kind of fun activity, post images and video to your social media accounts and show that you are active in your community.

Film Resident Testimonials

Resident testimonial videos are super effective and generate great results. Feature your happy residents talking about life around your community and how you are providing the best experience in the community.

This idea isn’t that expensive and you can create testimonial videos with minimal cost and effort.

Make sure you ask for their permission to upload videos on your official website or social media before you do.

Video: How to Make an Effective Testimonial Video

Send Holiday Cards Or Packages

As I mentioned before, a good relationship with the renter is very important. Sending them a holiday card or offering them gifts for special occasions will keep you one step ahead of the competition.

They will remember your kindness when people they know ask for a reference or a referral on who to use for housing needs.

Let them know you care about the community as a property manager, and willing to make their experience as best as possible.

Post Pictures Of Properties on Pinterest

At the start of 2020 Pinterest had 86 million active users per month in the United States. This is a huge market to target.

If you are new to Pinterest, you should know that high-quality Images generate better results. Nobody wants to pin or look at a pixelated photo when there are tons of similar images available. Always Upload high-quality images of your property consistently and share the pin.

Here is a free course for you to better understand Pinterest and how to market on Pinterest.

Hosting Instagram Competition

Another great social media platform that can be used for outreach is Instagram. You can use Instagram to host a competition where residents can post images of their decorated houses or any other fun contest type idea that can be shared. Ask your residents to tag their friends to the images. This helps, not only the tagged friend see the post, but also the tagged friend’s friends.

In 2019 Instagram’s active users were 107.2 Million and expected to grow 120.3 Million till 2023.

Use Facebook Events For Open Houses

In this marketing idea, you announce an event on Facebook and invite your followers to the open house event.

This marketing strategy will target your current Facebook audience, events can be in person or virtual.

Offer a door prize or gift cards to entice people to attend. This will get people in the door and ensure the success of the event.

Conducting Polls On Twitter

Twitter is one of the most famous social media platforms in the United States, 64.2 Million Americans use Twitter. This is a great platform to conduct polls to engage with your audience.

Ask your audience questions that urges them to answer your question. For example, you can ask them If they prefer “Upgrade or Discount”.

It will give you valuable insight and information that you can use in your marketing strategy.

Use Facebook Live for Q&A sessions

Going live on Facebook is a great way to personally engage with your audience, this marketing strategy is getting popular because it generates amazing results.

Answer questions about your community, and keep answers brief and short, and keep them engaged with your Facebook live event. You can also use Instagram stories for the same purpose.

Sharing DIY Tips On YouTube & Instructional Videos

This outreach marketing idea generates massive results, consider making a YouTube channel upload videos that help your related audience, answer their most searched questions.

At the end of the video, you can advertise your properties, your YouTube viewers will look at you as a trustworthy and knowledgeable person if you are helping them sincerely.

If you successfully engage with your YouTube audience it will generate massive results.

Facebook Ads Campaign

Paid Facebook Ads are a very powerful way to grow your business, but it can be simple and complex at the same time. You can target a specific audience of your choosing.

Don’t put money on one ad, instead create multiple ads and spend a small amount on each ad, and see which ad performs better.

Put your advertisement budget on that successful ad, in this way your money will not go to waste and will generate better results. This idea can be expensive but it will also bring you a lot of profit.

Starting A Blog

You can easily create a blog and can target an audience related to your niche. Blogs get a lot of traffic and potentially interested customers. You can hire an expert writer to upload content frequently or you can write a blog post yourself.

Creating a blog isn’t difficult at all, hire someone to make a blog for you or you can easily create one by watching YouTube videos.

Tip: Upload frequently and upload a lot of content, Focus on quality, and answer most searched questions.

You will not need an SEO expert to rank your blog if you are uploading quality content.

Creating SEO Marketing Strategy

SEO is very important for your blog, but according to recent Google updates and algorithm change, SEO is very easy for experts who write quality and helpful content for their users.

SEO will make customers come to your blog for free if your blog post ranked on Google in the top 10 results. This is an easy and cheap way to get a lot of traffic for your blog.

Hold Resident Events

Holding residents even is a great way to expand your reach. Invite residents to events and encourage them to invite their guests as well.

Take photos of the event and upload these photos to social media to show how active you are in your community.

Sponsoring A Local Event

To take your brand to the next level you should start sponsoring local events. It has many benefits, your brand will get visibility and reputation, which will make it easier for renters to trust your brand.

If you sponsor a local event then it will also generate content for our other outreach marketing for apartment Ideas, like sharing content on social media to keep your accounts active and live.

Launch A Referral Program

A referral program is a great way to rapidly and effectively increase your business. Modern businesses, especially online businesses provide referral programs to their audience.

For example, if your resident refers his friends to you then he gets a discount in his rent or it could be any benefit they get after referring their friends.

That way it will encourage your resident to bring their friends to you and they will spread positive words among their friends, which will help you increase your business.

Share Promotional Products

Promotional Products are a great way to get your business known and increase popularity among the interested audience. Many businesses share their promotional products, it helps them get visibility and stay in front of people.

You can give away your promotional product on your social media account to your followers. when your follower will wear your promotional product and show it to their friends it will leave an impression.

Offer Discounts to Niche Groups

As I mentioned before you have to be clever in your marketing strategies. If your apartment is in the area where there are colleges or a large population of people that have something in common (i.e. college, training academies, large work campus, etc.) you can aim your apartment at them with targeted marketing and possibly even give them a discount.

Offering discounts will attract renters and will help you survive in tough competition. If you can’t offer them a discount then try offering them upgrades instead.

Stage Your Model Units

Showing your apartments to renters isn’t enough. You need to show them more than that. For example, try to show them your community, show renters how comfortable and peaceful your community is, and how it will be great for them to move there.

This idea is effective and very engaging. It increases the chances that more renters may be interested in your apartment. 

Resident Volunteer Group

Form a volunteer group consisting of your staff and your residents to expand your brand to more people.

If you have established a good relationship with your residents then they will help you when you need them. You can ask your resident to invite their friends and this way you can reach more potential customers.

Know Local Businesses

Know your local businesses. Get in touch with them. Local businesses like gyms or banks, are central locations that many people frequent. This is a good place to get the message out and possibly a way to advertise your apartment or apartment complex.

If you are in contact with these businesses, and they like you, they may refer customers to you.

If someone is referred by an already established business then they are more likely to be your residents. So keep in touch with local businesses and expand your reach to more potential customers.

Get On Housing Lists

Off-base housing is very important for military housing needs. Often on-base housing has a long waiting list and it pushes many military personnel to look off-base for housing. 

Try to get on a housing list through official military channels. If you are on a housing list then there is a greater chance of getting residents. 

Make Connections in Colleges & Universities

College and universities are filled with renters, and you can find many potential renters from colleges and universities.

Make connections and expand your reach, If you already have a resident from these colleges and universities then offer them a referral program. If they refer a renter then they get a discount or commission.

Also offer a discount so you can attract more renters for your apartments, and get ahead of the competition in your area.

Military Housing

Military housing is an effective way to get more renters. If your apartments are near to military base then you can offer military housing to grow your reach.

Offering discounts will keep you ahead of the competition and will increase the chances to get more renters.

Outreach Marketing Ideas for Apartments

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