Step-by-Step Guide: How to Create a New ASIN on Amazon

Creating a new ASIN on Amazon is essential for listing and selling products on the platform. ASIN stands for Amazon Standard Identification Number, which is a unique identifier assigned to each product listed on Amazon. It helps Amazon categorize and track products to ensure efficient inventory management and accurate search results for customers.

There are several reasons why you may need to create a new ASIN on Amazon. It could be because you have a new product that doesn’t exist in the Amazon catalog, or you have a unique variation of an existing product. Creating a new ASIN allows you to offer your product to a wide range of customers and increase your sales potential.

To create a new ASIN on Amazon, you need to follow a step-by-step process. Here’s a simplified guide to help you get started:

Step 1: Determine if Your Product is Eligible for a New ASIN

Step 2: Prepare Your Product Information

Step 3: Sign in to Your Amazon Seller Central Account

Step 4: Navigate to “Add a Product” in Seller Central

Step 5: Select the Product Category

Step 6: Provide Product Identifiers

Step 7: Enter Product Details

Step 8: Set Product Pricing

Step 9: Add Product Images

Step 10: Submit Your Product Listing for Review

During the process, you may encounter common issues that require troubleshooting. Some of these issues include product category restrictions, invalid or missing product identifiers, inaccurate or incomplete product information, pricing errors, and image requirements. Resolving these issues is crucial to ensure a smooth and successful listing process.

To optimize your ASIN on Amazon and increase your visibility and sales, there are several tips you can follow. These tips include optimizing your product title, writing a detailed and informative product description, utilizing keywords and search terms effectively, and enhancing your product images to attract potential buyers.

By following the step-by-step guide, troubleshooting common issues, and implementing optimization tips, you can create a new ASIN on Amazon and maximize your chances of success in the online marketplace.

Key takeaway:

  • Creating a new ASIN on Amazon allows sellers to effectively list their products on the platform.
  • Following a step-by-step guide ensures a smooth process for creating a new ASIN on Amazon.
  • To optimize your ASIN, focus on product details, pricing, images, and using relevant keywords and search terms.

What is Amazon ASIN?

Amazon ASIN is a unique identifier assigned to products sold on Amazon. What is Amazon ASIN? It differentiates between products and variations of the same product. ASINs are crucial for product listings and efficient searching and browsing. Each product on Amazon has its own ASIN, enabling accurate listing and distinguishing from other sellers.

ASINs play a vital role in product optimization and inventory management. By identifying each product uniquely, ASINs help sellers track sales, monitor stock levels, and manage advertising campaigns effectively. Customers can use ASINs to search for products on Amazon, ensuring they find the exact item they are looking for.

Understanding what Amazon ASIN is and its significance in product identification is essential for sellers to market and sell their products effectively on Amazon.

Why Create a New ASIN on Amazon?

Creating a new ASIN on Amazon offers several benefits for sellers. Here are the reasons why you should consider creating a new ASIN on Amazon:

  1. Expand Product Line: By creating a new ASIN, sellers can introduce new products to their inventory and reach a wider audience.
  2. Market Research: Creating a new ASIN helps sellers gather data and insights about customer demand and market trends. It allows them to test new products and assess their performance.
  3. Better Targeting: Each ASIN represents a unique product variation. Creating separate ASINs for different variations enables sellers to target specific customer segments more effectively.
  4. Manage Inventory: Creating a new ASIN helps sellers organize and track sales, stock levels, and profitability of individual products. It improves inventory management and prevents confusion.
  5. Enhance Product Visibility: Creating unique ASINs for different products optimizes product listings for search rankings, boosting visibility and attracting potential customers.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a New ASIN on Amazon:

Are you ready to dive into the nitty-gritty of creating a new ASIN on Amazon? Well, you’re in the right place! In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the entire process so you can get your product out there and start making sales. From determining if your product meets the eligibility criteria to submitting your listing for review, each section will take you one step closer to the exciting world of selling on Amazon. So, let’s get started!

Step 1: Determine if Your Product is Eligible for a New ASIN

To determine if your product is eligible for a new ASIN on Amazon, follow these steps:

  1. Check if your product meets Amazon’s guidelines for new ASIN creation.
  2. Ensure your product is not already listed on Amazon under a different ASIN.
  3. Verify if your product category allows for new ASIN creation.
  4. Confirm that your product is not restricted or prohibited on Amazon.
  5. Check if your product has unique attributes or features that set it apart from existing listings.
  6. Review Amazon’s policies and guidelines for new ASIN creation to ensure compliance.
  7. Consult with Amazon Seller Support or refer to their resources for clarification if needed.

By following these steps, you can determine if your product is eligible for a new ASIN on Amazon and proceed with creating a listing.

Step 2: Prepare Your Product Information

Preparing product information is crucial when creating a new ASIN on Amazon. Follow these steps:

1. Gather necessary details, including title, brand, manufacturer, and product identifiers (UPC, EAN, or ISBN).

2. Ensure to prepare your product information by writing a concise and accurate product description highlighting key features, benefits, and specifications.

3. Include relevant keywords to improve visibility in Amazon’s search results.

4. Specify product dimensions, weight, and other physical attributes for accurate information.

5. Determine the product’s condition (new, used, refurbished).

6. Decide on quantity and packaging options.

7. Provide legal or regulatory information (certifications, safety warnings).

8. Make sure that all provided information is accurate and up to date in order to prepare your product information effectively.

9. Consider enhancing product information with high-quality images showcasing multiple angles.

10. Double-check all details before submitting the product listing for review.

By following these steps and providing comprehensive and accurate product information, you can successfully create a new ASIN on Amazon.

Step 3: Sign in to Your Amazon Seller Central Account

To sign in to your Amazon Seller Central account, follow these steps:

1. Open a web browser and go to the Amazon Seller Central website.

2. Click the “Sign In” button at the top right corner of the page.

3. Enter your email address or mobile number associated with your Seller Central account.

4. Click “Continue.”

5. On the next page, enter your password.

6. Click “Sign In” to log in to your account.

Make sure you use the correct login credentials to access your Amazon Seller Central account. If you forget your password, click “Forgot your password?” and follow the instructions to reset it.

By signing in to your Amazon Seller Central account, you can manage your products, inventory, orders, and other selling activities on the Amazon platform. Keep your account login information secure to protect your seller account and business data.

Note: This information is accurate at the time of writing and may be subject to changes by Amazon.

Step 4: Navigate to “Add a Product” in Seller Central

To navigate to “Add a Product” in Seller Central, please follow these Step 4: Navigate to “Add a Product” in Seller Central steps:

1. Sign in to your Amazon Seller Central account.

2. Locate the menu bar at the top of the screen.

3. Click on the “Inventory” tab.

4. In the dropdown menu, select “Add a Product”.

5. You will be directed to the “Add a Product” page.

6. On this page, search for the product you want to add by entering its name, UPC, EAN, ISBN, or ASIN in the search bar.

7. If the product already exists in Amazon’s catalog, it will be displayed in the search results. Select the appropriate listing and proceed to add your offer.

8. If the product does not exist in Amazon’s catalog, click on “Create a new product listing” to add a new ASIN.

9. Follow the prompts and provide all the required information for your product, such as category, identifiers, details, pricing, and images.

10. Once you have filled in all necessary information, click on “Save and finish” to submit your product listing for review.

Step 5: Select the Product Category

Once you sign in to Amazon Seller Central, go to the “Add a Product” section.

  1. In this section, find the dropdown menu to select the product category.
  2. Choose the most appropriate category based on your product’s features, purpose, and target audience.
  3. Select the category that accurately represents your product for visibility and relevance to customers.
  4. If you’re unsure, explore different category options to find the best fit.
  5. Consider your product’s nature, specifications, and target market when choosing.
  6. Selecting the right category helps customers find your product easily, increasing sales and visibility.
  7. Double-check your selection before moving on.


  1. Research available product categories on Amazon that align with your product.
  2. Analyze the performance of similar products’ categories to find the most suitable one.
  3. Take your time to understand different category options and choose the one that maximizes your product’s exposure.
  4. If you have doubts or confusion, contact Amazon Seller Support for guidance.

Step 6: Provide Product Identifiers

To provide product identifiers when creating a new ASIN on Amazon, follow these steps:

– Log in to your Amazon Seller Central account.

– Navigate to the “Add a Product” section in Seller Central.

– Select the appropriate product category.

– Enter the required product identifiers for your category, such as UPC, EAN, ISBN, or other unique codes.

– If your product doesn’t have a standard identifier, you may need to apply for a brand exemption or use a unique identifier provided by Amazon.

– Double-check the accuracy of the entered identifiers and submit your product listing for review.

Providing accurate product identifiers is important for correct categorization and searchability on Amazon. It improves the shopping experience by helping customers find your product more easily.

When providing product identifiers, ensure you meet the specific requirements for your category and use valid and verified codes. Inaccurate or missing identifiers can lead to listing errors and potentially impact your sales performance on Amazon.

Step 7: Enter Product Details

To create a new ASIN on Amazon, simply follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Amazon Seller Central account and navigate to the “Add a Product” section.
  2. Select the appropriate product category for your item.
  3. Input the necessary product identifiers such as UPC, EAN, or ISBN.
  4. When you reach Step 7, input all the relevant product details, including the product title, brand, manufacturer, and any additional features or specifications.
  5. Ensure that your product description is comprehensive and accurate.
  6. Incorporate keywords and search terms naturally within your product details to enhance visibility on Amazon.
  7. Showcase your product images from various angles, highlighting key features.

To optimize your ASIN on Amazon, consider the following suggestions:

  • Spruce up your product title by including important keywords and emphasizing unique selling points.
  • Craft a detailed and informative product description to assist customers in making well-informed decisions.
  • Integrate relevant keywords and search terms throughout your product details.
  • Enhance your product images with high-quality, well-lit, and visually appealing photographs.

By following these steps and recommendations, you can create a captivating and impactful product listing on Amazon.

Step 8: Set Product Pricing

  • Sign in to your Amazon Seller Central account.
  • Navigate to the “Add a Product” section in Seller Central.
  • Select the appropriate product category for your item.
  • Enter the required product identifiers, such as the UPC or ISBN, to uniquely identify your product.
  • Provide detailed and accurate product information, including the product name, brand, manufacturer, and any necessary specifications or details for customers to make an informed purchasing decision.
  • Determine the pricing strategy for your product considering factors like production costs, competition and desired profit margins.
  • Set the product price by entering the specific amount or range that aligns with your pricing strategy.
  • Review and double-check the pricing information before finalizing and submitting your product listing for review.

Setting the right product pricing is crucial to attracting customers and maximizing profits on Amazon. Consider market research, production costs, and competitor pricing to ensure your pricing strategy is competitive and profitable. Properly setting product pricing can give you a competitive edge and drive sales on the platform.

Step 9: Add Product Images

To successfully add product images to your Amazon ASIN listing, you need to follow these steps:

1. Sign in to your Amazon Seller Central account.

2. Then, go to the “Add a Product” section in Seller Central.

3. Next, choose the appropriate product category.

4. Provide the required product identifiers such as the UPC or ISBN.

5. Enter all the necessary product details, including the title, description, and features.

6. Set the pricing for your product, taking into consideration any discounts or promotions.

7. To upload your product images, simply click on the “Add Product Images” option.

8. It is important to ensure that your images meet Amazon’s requirements in terms of size, resolution, and file format.

9. Don’t forget to review your product listing and make any necessary changes or corrections.

10. Submit your product listing for review and patiently wait for Amazon’s approval.

By following these steps, you can effectively incorporate product images into your Amazon ASIN listing, thereby enhancing its visibility and appeal to potential customers.

Step 10: Submit Your Product Listing for Review


Step 10: Submit Your Product Listing for Review

  1. Ensure accurate and complete product information.
  2. Sign in to your Amazon Seller Central account.
  3. Navigate to “Add a Product” in Seller Central.
  4. Choose the correct product category.
  5. Provide necessary product identifiers (UPC or ISBN).
  6. Enter relevant product details (title, description, features).
  7. Set desired pricing for your product.
  8. Add high-quality product images that meet Amazon’s requirements.
  9. Double-check all entered information before submitting the listing.
  10. Click “Submit” button to send your product listing for review.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting:

If you’ve ever encountered problems while creating a new ASIN on Amazon, fret not – we’re here to troubleshoot! In this section, we’ll dive into common issues that sellers face and provide solutions to make your ASIN creation process smoother. From product category restrictions to pricing errors and image requirements, we’ve got you covered. So, buckle up and let’s unravel the secrets to overcoming these hurdles and successfully generate new ASINs on Amazon.

Issue 1: Product Category Restrictions

Product Category Restrictions is a common issue for sellers on Amazon. This occurs when the product being listed doesn’t fit into the provided categories by Amazon.

To understand this Product Category Restrictions issue, please refer to the table below:

Issue Product Category Restrictions
Description Some products don’t have suitable categories on Amazon. Sellers need to review available categories to classify their products correctly.
Instance For example, if a seller wants to list a unique combination product that doesn’t fit into one specific category, they may have trouble finding the right category.
Solution Sellers with category restrictions should research and find the most suitable category for their product. They may need to compare features of similar products for the best fit. Seeking guidance from Amazon Seller Support can also help resolve this issue.

By understanding and resolving this Product Category Restrictions issue, sellers can successfully create new ASINs on Amazon and categorize their products for better visibility and sales.

Issue 2: Invalid or Missing Product Identifiers

  • Check product identifiers: Ensure the product has valid and accurate identifiers like the UPC code, EAN, or ISBN. These identifiers are essential for Amazon to track and categorize products correctly.
  • Verify data entry: Double-check that the product identifiers are entered correctly without any missing digits or characters. Incorrect or missing identifiers can lead to listing issues on Amazon.
  • Contact the manufacturer: If the product identifiers are missing or invalid, reach out to the manufacturer for assistance. They can provide the correct identifiers or help resolve any issues with missing information.
  • Update product information: If the product identifiers are missing, update the information by providing accurate identifiers in the respective fields when listing on Amazon. Ensure all required information is complete and correct.
  • Consult Amazon guidelines: Review Amazon’s guidelines for product identification to understand specific category requirements. Adhering to these guidelines will help avoid issues with invalid or missing product identifiers.

Fact: Invalid or missing product identifiers can cause listing delays and impact product visibility and searchability on Amazon. Therefore, ensuring accurate product identifiers is crucial for successful listings.

Issue 3: Inaccurate or Incomplete Product Information

Inaccurate or incomplete product information can have a negative impact on your ASIN on Amazon. It is crucial to provide accurate and complete details about your product to ensure that customers have the correct information before making a purchase. If the information is incomplete, it may lead to confusion and unanswered questions, which can result in hesitation or abandoned purchases. On the other hand, inaccurate information can lead to disappointed customers, negative reviews, and decreased sales.

To avoid encountering this issue, it is important to thoroughly review and verify all product information before listing it on Amazon. It is essential to provide detailed and accurate descriptions that include features, specifications, dimensions, materials used, care instructions, certifications, and warranties. It is advisable to double-check spelling and grammar to prevent any simple errors.

By offering accurate and complete product information, you can build trust with customers and increase the likelihood of a successful sale. It is crucial to promptly address any inaccuracies or incomplete information to maintain a positive reputation on Amazon. Always remember that accurate and complete product information plays a vital role in customer satisfaction and the overall success of your ASIN on Amazon.

Issue 4: Pricing Errors

When creating a new ASIN on Amazon, it is crucial to avoid pricing errors to ensure a smooth selling experience. To achieve this, it is essential to double-check the accuracy and up-to-date status of your product’s pricing information. Any errors in the listed price can lead to customer dissatisfaction and have a negative impact on sales.

To set the right price for your product, it is advisable to research the prices of similar products on Amazon. This will help you understand the competitive pricing in the market. Setting a price that is too high or too low can affect the visibility and profitability of your product.

In addition to the price of your product, it is important to take into account all relevant costs associated with it. These costs may include manufacturing, packaging, shipping, and other expenses. By ensuring that your pricing accounts for these costs, you can cover your expenses and make a profit.

Offering competitive pricing compared to similar products can be an effective strategy to attract customers. It is important to evaluate the impact on profitability before offering discounts or promotions.

To stay competitive and maximize your sales potential, it is crucial to regularly monitor market trends and customer demand. This will help you make necessary adjustments to your pricing as needed.

By avoiding pricing errors and implementing effective pricing strategies, you can optimize your product’s performance on Amazon and increase your chances of success.

Issue 5: Image Requirements

To meet Amazon’s image requirements, follow these guidelines:

Resolution: Images must have at least a 1000 x 1000 pixel resolution for zoom functionality.

Background: The image background should be pure white.

Product-only: The image should only show the product for sale, with no extra items or accessories.

No text or logos: Avoid including text, logos, watermarks, or borders in the image.

No promotional content: Images should not have any promotional or marketing messages.

Main image: The main image should accurately and clearly represent the product, without text or overlays.

Additional images: Additional images can show different angles, features, or uses of the product.

By following these requirements, you can create compelling visuals that enhance your product listing on Amazon. High-quality images that accurately depict your product can attract more customers, increase sales, and improve customer satisfaction. Remember to review Amazon’s detailed guidelines for image requirements to ensure compliance and maximize product visibility.

Tips for Optimizing Your ASIN on Amazon:

Looking to boost your ASIN’s performance on Amazon? Look no further! In this section, we’ll dive into some powerful tips to optimize your ASIN and maximize its visibility and conversion. From crafting captivating product titles to writing informative descriptions, utilizing strategic keywords, and enhancing your product images, these tips will give your ASIN the competitive edge it deserves. Get ready to unleash the true potential of your Amazon listing and attract more customers than ever before!

Tips 1: Optimize Your Product Title

To optimize your product title on Amazon, follow these tips:

1. Optimize your product title: Be concise and focused, using only necessary keywords.

2. Include relevant keywords: Conduct research to identify commonly used keywords by customers and incorporate them into your title for improved visibility.

3. Highlight unique selling points: If your product has standout features or benefits, make sure to include them in the title to attract potential buyers.

4. Capitalize properly: Capitalize the first letter of each word in the title, except for articles, prepositions, and conjunctions.

5. Avoid excessive punctuation: Stick to using meaningful punctuation, such as commas or hyphens, to enhance clarity.

6. Stay within the character limit: Amazon has specific guidelines for character limits in product titles. Ensure your title fits within those limits. Remember, shorter titles are easier to read and understand.


Tips 2: Write a Detailed and Informative Product Description

To write a detailed and informative product description on Amazon, follow these tips:

  1. Highlighting the key features and benefits of your product is crucial. Be specific and provide relevant details about the product’s size, color, material, and any unique characteristics it possesses.
  2. Use descriptive language to paint a clear picture of the product for potential buyers. This will help them understand its appearance, usage, and how it can improve their lives or solve a problem they may have.
  3. Take the time to address common questions or concerns that potential buyers may have. Anticipate their needs and provide reassuring answers that will instill confidence in their decision to purchase the product.
  4. Including specific usage instructions or recommendations is important. This will help customers understand how to best utilize the product and maximize its benefits.
  5. Consider organizing the information using bullet points or subheadings. This will make it easier for potential buyers to scan the description and quickly find the information they are looking for.
  6. If applicable, mention any certifications, awards, or positive reviews the product has received. This will help build trust and credibility with potential buyers.
  7. Incorporating emotional appeals can be effective. Highlight how the product can improve the customer’s life or solve a problem they may have, appealing to their emotions and desires.
  8. Utilize customer testimonials or reviews to support your claims and provide social proof. This will further establish trust and credibility.
  9. Avoid using overly technical jargon or complex terminology that may confuse potential buyers. Keep the description clear and accessible to a wide audience.
  10. Make sure to proofread your description for any grammatical or spelling errors. A polished and error-free description reflects positively on your product and inspires confidence in potential buyers.

By following these tips, you can create a detailed and informative product description that helps potential buyers make informed purchasing decisions.

Tips 3: Utilize Keywords and Search Terms

To effectively optimize your ASIN on Amazon, it is important to utilize keywords and search terms. Here are some tips to help you get started:

1. Conduct thorough research to identify commonly used keywords and search terms for similar products. Utilize keyword research tools to find popular and relevant keywords.

2. Include your target keywords in the product title to make it more visible to potential customers. Make sure the title is concise, descriptive, and accurately represents the product.

3. Write a detailed and informative product description that incorporates relevant keywords. Highlight the key features and benefits of the product while naturally incorporating keywords. This will improve search visibility and attract the right customers.

4. Take advantage of the backend keywords section provided by Amazon for search ranking purposes. Add relevant keywords here to further optimize your product listing.

5. Regularly analyze the performance of your keywords and search terms. Identify the top-performing keywords that are generating the most traffic and conversions, and make any necessary adjustments.

By consistently optimizing your ASIN with relevant keywords and search terms, you can increase your visibility on Amazon and attract more potential customers. It is also important to stay updated with industry trends and adjust your keyword strategy to stay ahead of the competition.

Tips 4: Enhance Your Product Images

To enhance your product images on Amazon and optimize their visibility, here are some valuable tips:

1. Utilize high-resolution images: It is essential to capture clear, sharp, and well-lit images that allow customers to closely examine product details.

2. Display various angles: Provide a comprehensive view of your product by including multiple images taken from different perspectives.

3. Incorporate lifestyle images: Help your potential customers visualize the benefits of your product by showing it being used in real-life situations.

4. Harness the power of product infographics: Use infographics to highlight key features and benefits, making it easier for customers to understand and appreciate your product.

5. Showcase quality and craftsmanship through close-up shots: Zoom in on specific parts of your product to highlight its quality and the attention to detail in its craftsmanship.

To further optimize your product images, consider implementing these suggestions:

– Adhere to Amazon’s image requirements: Ensure that your images meet the guidelines related to size, format, and content specified by Amazon.

– Optimize the file names: Enhance the visibility of your images in search results by renaming the image files with relevant keywords.

– Implement alt-text: Improve accessibility for visually impaired customers by utilizing alt-text, which provides additional context for the images.

– Monitor customer reviews: Pay close attention to customer feedback regarding your product images and make any necessary updates or improvements accordingly.

Some Facts About How To Create a New ASIN on Amazon:

  • ✅ ASINs are unique identifiers assigned to each product listed on Amazon’s marketplace. (Source: Our Team)
  • ✅ ASINs play a crucial role in distinguishing between similar products, organizing product listings, managing inventory, and determining search rankings. (Source: Our Team)
  • ✅ To create a new ASIN on Amazon, sellers must research their product’s category, subcategory, and product type. (Source: Our Team)
  • ✅ Amazon provides a straightforward process for creating a new ASIN, which involves signing in to Amazon Seller Central, selecting the “Add a Product” option, and providing accurate and detailed product information. (Source: Our Team)
  • ✅ Sellers must ensure compliance with Amazon’s policies for managing ASINs, including organizing them and regularly reviewing and updating information. (Source: Our Team)

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I create a new ASIN on Amazon?

To create a new ASIN on Amazon, follow these steps:

  1. Research your product’s category, subcategory, and product type.
  2. Sign in to Amazon Seller Central.
  3. Click on the “Inventory” tab and select “Add a Product.”
  4. Choose the appropriate product category, subcategory, and type.
  5. Enter accurate and detailed product information, including name, brand, manufacturer, description, size, color, material, images, and pricing.
  6. Submit the product for approval and await the assignment of a new ASIN.

What is an ASIN and why is it important?

An ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) is a unique 10-character code assigned to a product by Amazon. It serves as an identifier that helps both buyers and sellers find specific products within Amazon’s massive catalog. ASINs are crucial for delivering accurate search results and enhancing the customer experience.

Can I have multiple ASINs for a single product on Amazon?

While there is no limit to the number of ASINs a seller can have on Amazon, it is recommended to organize them and ensure compliance with Amazon’s policies. Different ASINs may be used for the same product on different Amazon sites, and for books, the ASIN is the same as the ISBN (International Standard Book Number).

How can I use an existing ASIN for my product on Amazon?

If you want to use an existing ASIN, you can search for it using the product’s name, model number, UPC, EAN, or ASIN. Using an existing ASIN allows sellers to benefit from buyer interest and traffic for that product. It is important to ensure that the new item matches the existing ASIN before using it.

What are the best practices for managing ASINs on Amazon?

Best practices for managing ASINs on Amazon include organizing them, complying with policies, and regularly reviewing and updating product information. It is important to comply with Amazon’s ASIN creation policy to keep the catalog organized and prevent fraudulent listings.

What is Amazon’s product variation policy?

Amazon has a product variation policy to prevent misuse of variations. Variations occur when products differ in attributes like size or color. Sellers must follow rules when listing parent-child ASINs to avoid listing fundamentally different items under the same parent-child ASIN.

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