CBD and Public Speaking

◊ CBD and Public Speaking

As one of the most common forms of anxiety, the phobia of speaking in public places is affecting a staggering number of people. The phobia of public speaking is characterized by an onset of very strong feelings of unpleasantness, and besides the usual sweaty hands, increased heart rate and stuttering, it can result in a full blown panic attack, which is no laughing matter at all.

The acute fear of public speaking is known as Glossophobia. Yes, it’s actually a phobia. It is a type of social anxiety disorder (SAD),  where most people suffer from a crippling fear of public speaking.

Until quite recently, the only way to deal with these conditions is either by psychotherapy (which is still heavily avoided by a large percentage of anxiety sufferers, mostly because of the social stigma associated with it), and regular anti-anxiety pharmaceutical drugs.

While these medications undoubtedly offer relief for many anxiety patients, they are artificially created and have a lot of unhealthy components in them. Two of the biggest issues with these drugs is that they cause relentless addiction, and because of their artificial nature, they cause various negative side effects for the user. If all of this wasn’t enough, they’re also frequently unable to aid the person with their anxiety to any full extent.

In recent years various official scientific studies have proven that cannabidiol (or CBD) is an all-natural solution for a wide variety of physical and psychological issues, and this compound also works for anxiety disorders such as public speaking.

Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is one of the most common anxiety disorders in the U.S. It affects 6.8% of the country’s population, which amounts to 15 million adults. It is equally common among men and women and usually begins around the age of 13. For those who are concerned about the effects of prescription medication or have found it ineffective, CBD may offer the relief you’re looking for without the risk.


◊ How Can CBD Reduce Social Anxiety?

For anxiety, CBD works in two ways. The first of them is that it helps the neurogenesis of the hippocampus, which is substantially smaller in patients who suffer from this disorder. Cannabidiol causes the accelerated birth of new neurons, which changes the chemistry of the brain to become less-anxious.

The second way it attacks anxiety is by changing the way our brain uses the available serotonin (which is a mood-elevation compound), and studies have shown that people who struggle with anxiety and depression have lesser amounts of serotonin in their system. CBD increases the levels of serotonin, causing a person to feel much more joyous and exuberant. What’s also paramount about CBD is that, it causes absolutely no mental sensations, because it’s completely non-psychoactive.

Studies performed on the ways CBD affects people who are experiencing anxiety show that the compound can have health benefits that include lowering blood pressure, reducing heart rate, and inducing a sense of calm. CBD also has limited side effects and is available in a number of different forms, so you can take your pick.

One particularly interesting research on using CBD oil for anxiety targeted the anxiety of public speaking.

◊ This Is What Researches Did:

Those who volunteered for the study were told to prepare a 4-minute speech on a topic from a course they had taken that year. They were told that the speech would be recorded for proper analysis later on by a psychologist. The volunteers gave their speech while viewing themselves on a video monitor.

Their level of anxiety were measured using a tool known as the Visual Analogue Mood Scale (VAMS). The VAMS test measures anxiety, physical sensation, mental sedation, and feelings of interest.

These factors were tested at five distinct time points: At baseline (before the start of the speech), right before instructions were given, right before giving the speech, in the middle of the speech, and right after the speech. Researchers also measured the heart rate and blood pressure of the volunteers.

Those who volunteered were given one of four drugs randomly: 5 mg of isapirone (research chemical for depression/anxiety), 300 mg of CBD, 10 mg of diazepam (Valium), or a placebo.

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◊ The Outcome Showing How Effective CBD Can Be For Anxiety!

Volunteers who were given CBD, diazepam (Valium), and isapirone all showed a decrease in anxiety and systolic blood pressure. Volunteers who were given diazepam (Valium) experienced feeling physical sedation. Volunteers who were given CBD and isapirone did not experience physical sedation, mental sedation, or other negative side effects.

The study concluded that CBD can be a good way to manage anxiety without the negative side effects.

The question is, what would you rather take: Valium  which could make you foggy or sleepy and also requires a prescription; isapirone which is quite difficult to get plus all the side effects, or CBD an all natural, over the counter plant medicine which has been in use for so many years now? I will gladly choose a plant based medicine over a synthetic chemical with negative side effects.

If you are afraid of public speaking, you probably dread the days when you have to give a presentation in front of a whole office or a classroom full of people. And whether you’re regularly tasked with speaking in front of others, or it’s only something you do on occasion, you might be wondering if there’s anything with the potential to alleviate your symptoms. If you suffer from anxiety when speaking in public, CBD is a wellness supplement you might find helpful.

If you’re like most people and you see public speaking as a challenging endeavor, give CBD a try. It may just turn out to be the one of the best tools in your kit for delivering some kick ass presentations.

◊ Final Thoughts

Because of its effect on the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which regulates various functions in our bodies, CBD can help with intermittent fasting in a variety of ways.

One study from 2016 actually found that it can promote a healthier metabolism. CBD also blocks one of our brain’s receptors so that the neurotransmitter that stimulates appetite will fail to fire, which means you may be more likely to go longer without eating a meal of substantial caloric content.

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