Discover How Much are Real Christmas Trees – Unwrap the Cost!

Are you curious about the cost of real Christmas trees? Join me as we uncover the prices and expenses associated with bringing a real Christmas tree into your home this holiday season!

Key Takeaways:

  • The average cost of a real Christmas tree in 2020 was $81, and prices have remained relatively stable in 2021.
  • According to a survey from the Real Christmas Tree Board, wholesale growers anticipate price increases of 5% to 15% compared to last year.
  • Factors contributing to the rising costs of real Christmas trees include inflation, increased production costs, and limited supplies.
  • To save money on a real Christmas tree, consider shopping around, choosing a smaller tree, waiting until closer to Christmas to purchase, or opting for an artificial tree.
  • Purchasing a real Christmas tree supports local farmers and offers a natural, sustainable option over artificial trees.

The Rising Cost of Real Christmas Trees

The cost of purchasing a real Christmas tree has been steadily increasing over the years. Inflation and rising production costs have contributed to higher price tags that might take you by surprise. According to a survey conducted by the Real Christmas Tree Board, wholesale growers of real Christmas trees anticipate a likely price increase of 5% to 15% compared to last year. Some growers even expect to increase their prices by 16% to 20%. Only a small percentage of growers don’t anticipate any price increases.

Consumer Reports states that the average cost of a real Christmas tree in 2020 was $81, and this year’s prices are expected to be similar. However, with the projected price hikes, that $81 tree could cost you close to $100 if your retailer increases prices by 20%. Larger trees can see even more significant price increases, making the expense scale exponentially based on size and location.

So why are real Christmas tree prices going up this year? The survey conducted by the Real Christmas Tree Board reveals that Christmas tree suppliers have seen their own costs increase. Factors such as higher labor costs, raw materials, and distribution expenses have led to increased production costs for tree farmers and wholesale growers. In order to cover these increased costs, growers need to pass on the price increases to consumers.

Despite the rising prices, there are still ways to save money when purchasing a real Christmas tree. One tip is to shop around and compare prices from different retailers or tree farms. Consider buying from larger retailers, as they are often able to absorb wholesale costs better and offer lower prices. Another option is to opt for a smaller tree, which not only costs less but also requires fewer decorations. Waiting to buy your tree closer to Christmas can also lead to lower prices, as suppliers often try to offload their remaining inventory. However, there is a risk of having limited options if you choose this route. Lastly, consider the benefits of artificial trees, which have improved in quality and can be used for years, eliminating the need for annual purchases.

Here is a comparison table of the average prices of real Christmas trees based on size:

Tree Size Average Price
4-6 feet $50-$100
6-8 feet $80-$150
8-10 feet $150-$250

Remember to consider the size of your space and your budget when choosing a tree. By being aware of the rising costs and utilizing these money-saving tips, you can still enjoy the tradition of a real Christmas tree without breaking the bank.

How Much Can You Expect to Pay?

Let’s dive into the numbers! On average, the cost of a real Christmas tree in recent years has been around $81. However, keep in mind that prices can vary depending on the size of the tree and your location.

To give you a clearer picture, a survey conducted by the Real Christmas Tree Board found that 71% of wholesale growers anticipate a price increase of 5% to 15% compared to last year. This means that your $81 tree could cost you close to $100 this year if your retailer increases prices by 20%. For a $150 tree, the price could go up to $180. The final price will also depend on the usual cost of trees in your area.

To help you understand the factors contributing to these price increases, it’s important to note that Christmas tree suppliers have experienced higher production costs. These costs include raw materials, labor, and distribution, all of which have seen an increase compared to last year. As a result, growers are passing on these increased costs to consumers.

However, there are strategies you can employ to save money when buying a real Christmas tree. Here are some tips:

  1. Shop around: Before you make a purchase, research the prices of different types of trees from various retailers. This will help you avoid impulse buying and find the best prices in your area.
  2. Consider where you buy: While supporting local farms and small businesses is admirable, larger retailers often have the advantage of being able to absorb wholesale costs better, leading to lower prices for consumers.
  3. Opt for a smaller tree: Choosing a slightly smaller tree not only saves you money on the initial purchase but also reduces the cost of decorations. It’s a win-win!
  4. Wait to buy: If you’re willing to take a chance, the last few days before Christmas offer the opportunity to find the cheapest trees. Suppliers are often looking to offload their remaining inventory, resulting in lower prices. Keep in mind, though, that your selection may be limited.
  5. Make your real tree last longer: Proper care can help extend the lifespan of your tree, saving you money in the long run. Remember to give it a fresh cut as soon as you bring it home, place it in water, refill the water regularly, keep it away from heat sources, and choose lights that produce less heat. With these simple steps, your tree can stay fresh for several weeks.
  6. Consider alternatives: If the rising cost of real Christmas trees is a concern for you, artificial trees can be a cost-effective option. They have come a long way and can look almost as realistic as real trees. With proper care and storage, an artificial tree can last for years, saving you money in the long run.

By considering these tips and weighing the benefits of a real Christmas tree against the cost, you can make an informed decision that suits your budget and preferences. Happy tree hunting!

Tree Size Average Cost
Small (4 to 6 feet) $50 to $100
Medium (6 to 8 feet) $100 to $200
Large (8 to 12 feet) $200 to $500

Tips to Save Money on Real Christmas Trees

Don’t let the rising prices discourage you! There are plenty of ways to find affordable real Christmas trees without breaking the bank. Here are some tips to help you save money and still enjoy the beauty and fragrance of a real tree.

Shop around

A little research goes a long way when it comes to Christmas tree prices. Whether you plan on buying your tree at a retailer or tree farm, you want to investigate the prices of different types of trees ahead of your trip. That way, you’ll avoid impulse buying on the spot. The Real Christmas Tree Board makes it easy to find a retailer in your area, whether you want to buy from a choose-and-cut tree farm, a garden center, a home improvement store, or a general retailer. Once you have the info on the top shops, call ahead to find the best prices and tailor your trip accordingly.

Consider where you’re buying your tree

While it’s always nice to support a local farm or small business, keep in mind that prices will vary based on inventory levels. Big retailers are generally able to absorb wholesale costs better than smaller retailers. That means they can typically afford to sell trees at lower prices.

Opt for a smaller tree

The larger the tree, the more you’ll spend. Choosing a smaller tree not only costs less but also requires fewer decorations, which could offer additional savings. Consider the size of your space and your personal preferences when deciding on the perfect tree.

Wait to buy

If you’re willing to wait, you can find the cheapest trees in the last few days just before Christmas when suppliers are trying to offload their inventory. Call around to see who still has trees and who is offering the best Christmas tree prices. Just keep in mind that if you go this route, you run the risk of being limited to a selection of Charlie Brown-style trees, so it can be a gamble.

Table: Average Prices of Real Christmas Trees

Tree Size Average Price
4-6 feet $50-$100
6-8 feet $100-$200
8-10 feet $200-$300

Remember, the prices may vary based on location and specific retailers.

Make your real tree last longer

Stretch your dollar by learning how to keep your Christmas tree fresh for way longer. If cared for properly, a real Christmas tree can last for several weeks. Here are a few simple ways to make your real tree last as long as possible:

  • If you purchased a pre-cut tree, add a straight, fresh cut to the trunk as soon as you get home, or ask the lot to do it for you before taking the tree home. This allows the tree to better absorb water.
  • Place your tree in water as soon as you get it home.
  • Refill the water every day.
  • Do not put your tree too close to a heat source like a radiator or fireplace. Doing so can cause your tree to dry out faster.
  • Keep the room cool. Lower temperatures will help slow the drying process.
  • Choose lights that produce less heat, like LEDs or miniature lights.

Consider alternatives

If real Christmas tree prices are beyond your budget this year, consider alternative options. Artificial Christmas trees have come a long way and can provide a cost-effective and convenient solution. They can last for years and eliminate the need for annual purchases. Additionally, there are eco-friendly options such as potted trees that can be replanted after the holiday season, reducing waste and benefiting the environment.

Remember, finding an affordable real Christmas tree is possible with a little planning and flexibility. By shopping around, considering different retailers, waiting for discounts, and exploring alternative options, you can still enjoy the festive spirit of a real tree without breaking the bank.

The Benefits of Real Christmas Trees and Alternatives

Before making your final decision, it’s important to consider the benefits of real Christmas trees. Not only do they support local farmers and provide a sustainable option, but they also offer a traditional and festive feel. However, if the rising costs of real trees are a concern, there are quality artificial trees available as alternatives.

Real Christmas trees have several advantages that make them a popular choice for many households. One of the main benefits is the support it provides to local farmers. By purchasing a real tree, you are directly contributing to the livelihoods of farmers who rely on Christmas tree sales for their income. In addition, real trees are a renewable resource as they are grown specifically for the purpose of being cut down and used as Christmas decorations.

Another advantage of real Christmas trees is the authentic and charming atmosphere they create in your home. The natural scent of evergreen fills the air, evoking a sense of nostalgia and warmth. Real trees also offer a variety of shapes and sizes, allowing you to find the perfect fit for your space and personal preferences.

However, if the rising costs of real Christmas trees are a concern for your budget, there are viable alternatives available. Artificial trees have come a long way in terms of quality and appearance. Many artificial trees now mimic the look and feel of real trees, allowing you to enjoy the festive atmosphere without the higher price tag. These trees are often pre-lit, making the setup process easier and more convenient. Additionally, artificial trees can be reused year after year, making them a cost-effective option in the long run.

Real Christmas Trees Artificial Christmas Trees
  • Support local farmers
  • Sustainable option
  • Natural scent and ambiance
  • Wide variety of shapes and sizes
  • Lower initial cost
  • Convenient pre-lit options
  • Can be reused for multiple years
  • No need to worry about needle shedding

“You’re supporting local farmers when you buy a real Christmas tree. And it’s a natural, sustainable product as compared to artificial trees made of petroleum, metal, and plastic. That’s worth the cost.” – Marsha Gray, Executive Director of the Real Christmas Tree Board

Ultimately, the choice between real and artificial Christmas trees depends on your personal preferences and budget. If you value the tradition, authenticity, and support for local farmers, a real tree may be the best option for you. However, if cost and convenience are more important, an artificial tree can provide a beautiful and hassle-free alternative. Whichever you choose, the most important aspect is finding a tree that brings joy and holiday spirit to your home.

In Conclusion

By understanding the cost factors and considering various money-saving strategies, you can still enjoy the beauty and tradition of a real Christmas tree while being mindful of your budget. Whether you choose a real tree or explore alternatives, the magic of the holiday season will surely shine bright in your home.

As we’ve seen, the rising cost of real Christmas trees can be attributed to factors such as inflation and increased production costs. The average price of a real Christmas tree in recent years has been around $80, and this year, prices are expected to increase by 5% to 15% compared to last year. This means that a tree that cost $81 last year could now cost you close to $100, depending on the retailer and the size of the tree.

However, there are ways to save money when purchasing a real Christmas tree. One tip is to shop around and compare prices at different retailers or tree farms in your area. Big retailers often have the advantage of being able to absorb wholesale costs better than smaller retailers, allowing them to offer trees at lower prices. Additionally, considering a smaller tree can help you save money, as larger trees tend to be more expensive. Waiting until closer to Christmas to buy a tree can also work in your favor, as suppliers may be looking to offload inventory and offer discounted prices.

If the rising prices of real Christmas trees are a concern, you may also explore the option of an artificial tree. Artificial trees have come a long way in terms of realism and durability, and they can provide a no-muss, no-fuss option. While the upfront cost may be higher, artificial trees can last for many years, saving you money in the long run. Additionally, choosing an artificial tree can help reduce waste and environmental impact.

Overall, the choice between a real Christmas tree and an artificial tree ultimately depends on your preferences and budget. Whether you opt for the fresh scent and charm of a real tree or the convenience and longevity of an artificial tree, the most important thing is to create a festive and joyful atmosphere in your home during the holiday season. So go ahead, choose the perfect tree and let the holiday spirit fill your home with warmth and cheer!


Q: How much are real Christmas trees going up this year?

A: According to a survey by the Real Christmas Tree Board, wholesale growers anticipate price increases of 5% to 15% compared to last year. Some growers even expect increases of 16% to 20%. However, less than 2% of growers don’t anticipate any price increases.

Q: Why are real Christmas tree prices going up this year?

A: Christmas tree suppliers have seen their own costs increase, including raw materials, labor, and distribution. These increased costs are being passed on to consumers through price increases.

Q: How can you save money on a real Christmas tree this year?

A: You can save money by shopping around and comparing prices at different retailers. It’s also worth considering buying from bigger retailers, as they can typically sell trees at lower prices. Choosing a smaller tree can also save you money, and waiting to buy closer to Christmas when suppliers are trying to offload inventory can result in cheaper prices.

Q: What are the benefits of buying a real Christmas tree?

A: Real Christmas trees support local farmers and the environment. They are a natural and sustainable product compared to artificial trees made of petroleum, metal, and plastic.

Q: Can I save money by buying an artificial tree instead?

A: While artificial trees may have a higher upfront cost, they can be used for multiple years and eliminate the need for daily maintenance and cleanup. They can also come pre-lit, saving you the hassle of adding lights. However, if you prefer the authenticity and tradition of a real Christmas tree, there are ways to save money on a real tree as well.

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