Finding Peace: How to Sleep on Christmas Eve – Tips and Tricks

Struggling with how to sleep on Christmas Eve? Join me for friendly tips to ensure a peaceful night’s sleep amidst the festive hustle and bustle.

Key Takeaways:

  • Create a relaxing bedtime routine for kids on Christmas Eve
  • Read holiday stories before bed to help kids relax and drift off to sleep
  • Encourage physical activity during the day to tire out the body and mind
  • Create a cozy and comfortable sleep environment with soft lighting and comforting aromas
  • Talk openly with children about their excitement and manage expectations for Christmas morning
  • Avoid caffeine and find relaxation techniques for adults to achieve a peaceful sleep

Tips for Kids to Fall Asleep on Christmas Eve

The excitement of Christmas Eve can make it hard for kids to fall asleep, but with a few simple techniques, they can enjoy a peaceful night’s sleep.

A Good Bedtime Routine

A good bedtime routine for kids on Christmas Eve can involve taking an extra-long bath, listening to slow Christmas music, and reading a festive Christmas story.

Before or after the bath, allow the kids to pick out their favorite pajamas and snuggle up with their favorite stuffed animal.

Next, dim the lights in the room or turn on some LED Christmas lights to create a soothing atmosphere.

To further reduce distraction from any anticipation of Santa Claus coming down the chimney, hang up stockings away from where the kids sleep, so they don’t have to worry about what could be inside them.

Making warm milk or a hot chocolate beforehand can make the regular bedtime routine feel extra special and provides warmth and comfort. However, try to avoid too much sugar.

Read Holiday Stories Before Bed

Reading a special holiday story before bed is a great way to get into the Christmas spirit and help kids relax and drift off into dreamland. Pick out stories that feature a beloved character or one with a moral lesson to impart. Reading classic tales like ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas’ or ‘The Gift of the Magi’ can be an enjoyable way to spend time together as a family, but there are many other options available.

Look for stories tailored specifically for Christmas that feature Santa Claus, elves, snowmen, and reindeer. There are also books about traditions from around the world, such as ‘The Kwanzaa Story’ or ‘The Tale of Three Trees.’ For young readers who may prefer more modern tales, try something like ‘Snowmen at Night’ or ‘How Murray Saved Christmas.’

Reading with your children can create special memories that will last through the years and help build strong bonds for years to come. You could even create your own versions of traditional fairy tales by adding in characters and elements from popular movies or television shows they enjoy! Sitting down for some quiet reading on Christmas Eve can be just the thing to help them wind down and relax after a day of excitement and anticipation.

Exercise During the Day

Exercise helps the body feel tired and relaxed, which makes it easier to go to sleep at night. It also helps clear the mind of worries and distractions that might make it harder to fall asleep.

Encourage your kids to get some physical activity, like playing a game of tag in the backyard or going for a bike ride around the neighborhood. If they’re feeling too excited to do something active, try taking them for a walk and pointing out all the festive decorations that you pass along the way. Even if it’s just for 10 minutes, any amount of exercise can help calm their minds and bodies before bedtime.

Create a Cozy and Comfortable Sleep Environment

Creating a cozy and comfortable sleep environment is important for helping kids settle down and get some rest. Start by dimming the lights in the bedroom or turning on some soft, Christmas-themed lighting. Hang up festive decorations around the room with items like snowflakes or string lights that they can look at and admire before bed.

Use warm blankets and comforters to give your kids a sense of comfort and security as they drift off to sleep. If your children like stuffed animals, add some of their favorites to the mix. Place them around their bed or lay them across their pillow so that they have something comforting to hug when they drift off into dreamland.

I sometimes use essential oils like lavender or chamomile scents in a diffuser or a wax warmer. These aromas have been scientifically proven to help promote relaxation, reduce stress levels, and even improve sleep quality—making them an ideal choice for helping my kids fall asleep on Christmas Eve (and any other night!).

Talk About the Excitement

Talking about the exciting things that will happen on Christmas day can help to take your kids’ minds off the present moment and instead focus on all of the wonderful possibilities that are ahead.

This is also a great opportunity for me to talk with my kids about managing expectations. Remind them that Santa won’t be able to bring everything they asked for, but he will do his best to make sure they have an amazing day. By talking openly about these topics, you can help your children feel comforted and secure in knowing that no matter what happens—Christmas morning will be special no matter what!

With these tips and tricks, you can create a calming atmosphere and help your kids fall asleep faster on Christmas Eve. By following a good bedtime routine, reading holiday stories, getting exercise during the day, creating a cozy sleep environment, and managing expectations, you’ll be setting the stage for a peaceful night’s sleep and a joyous Christmas morning.

A Good Bedtime Routine

Establishing a good bedtime routine is essential for helping kids wind down and prepare for a restful sleep on Christmas Eve. The excitement of the holiday can make it difficult for children to relax and fall asleep, but with a few simple steps, you can create a peaceful environment that promotes sleep.

One important element of a bedtime routine is taking an extra-long bath. The warm water and soothing scents can help to relax the body and prepare it for sleep. After the bath, allow your kids to pick out their favorite pajamas and snuggle up with their favorite stuffed animal. This can provide a sense of comfort and security, making it easier for them to fall asleep.

Dimming the lights in the room or using LED Christmas lights can create a calming atmosphere. This can help to reduce distractions and promote relaxation. It’s also a good idea to hang up stockings away from where the kids sleep, so they don’t have to worry about what could be inside them.

Before bed, consider reading a special holiday story together. This can be a great way to get into the Christmas spirit and help kids relax and drift off to sleep. Choose books that feature beloved characters or have a moral lesson to impart. Reading together can create special memories and help build strong bonds.

Tips for a Good Bedtime Routine
Take an extra-long bath
Let kids pick out their favorite pajamas and snuggle with a stuffed animal
Dim the lights or use LED Christmas lights
Hang stockings away from where the kids sleep
Read a special holiday story before bed

Creating a cozy and comfortable sleep environment is also important. You can dim the lights in the room or use soft, Christmas-themed lighting. Hanging up festive decorations, like snowflakes or string lights, can create a calming atmosphere. Providing warm blankets and comforters can give your kids a sense of comfort and security.

Consider using essential oils, such as lavender or chamomile, to promote relaxation. These scents have been shown to help reduce stress levels and improve sleep quality. You can use a diffuser or a wax warmer to fill the room with soothing aromas.

Finally, open communication is key. Talk to your kids about their excitement for Christmas morning and help manage their expectations. Remind them that Santa won’t bring everything they’ve asked for, but he will do his best to make it a special day. By addressing their excitement and concerns, you can help them feel comforted and secure, making it easier for them to fall asleep on Christmas Eve.


To create a good bedtime routine for kids on Christmas Eve:

  • Take an extra-long bath
  • Let kids pick out their favorite pajamas and snuggle with a stuffed animal
  • Dim the lights or use LED Christmas lights
  • Hang stockings away from where the kids sleep
  • Read a special holiday story before bed

Creating a cozy and comfortable sleep environment is also important. Dim the lights, hang up festive decorations, and use essential oils like lavender or chamomile to promote relaxation. Open communication about excitement and expectations can help kids feel comforted and secure, making it easier to fall asleep.

Read Holiday Stories Before Bed

Reading a special holiday story before bed can create a calm and cozy atmosphere, setting the stage for a peaceful night’s sleep on Christmas Eve. It’s a wonderful way to wind down and spend quality time together as a family. Not only does it provide a chance for relaxation, but it also helps children transition from the excitement of the day to a state of calmness and restfulness.

When selecting holiday stories, choose ones that feature beloved characters or have a moral lesson to impart. Classic tales like “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas” or “The Gift of the Magi” are perennial favorites. These stories evoke a sense of tradition and capture the magic of the holiday season. However, there are countless other options available to suit every taste and interest.

For children who enjoy more modern tales, consider books like “Snowmen at Night” or “How Murray Saved Christmas.” These stories offer a fresh take on holiday themes and incorporate fun and imaginative elements that can captivate young readers. Additionally, there are books that explore Christmas traditions from around the world, such as “The Kwanzaa Story” or “The Tale of Three Trees,” which provide a rich cultural experience.

Reading holiday stories before bed not only helps children relax and drift off to sleep but also creates lasting memories and strengthens family bonds. You can even get creative and personalize the stories by incorporating characters and elements from your child’s favorite movies or television shows. So, snuggle up together, grab a cozy blanket, and enjoy the soothing magic of a holiday story before bed on Christmas Eve.

Example of a Christmas Story Book List:

  • “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas” by Clement Clarke Moore
  • “The Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry
  • “Snowmen at Night” by Caralyn Buehner
  • “How Murray Saved Christmas” by Mike Reiss
  • “The Kwanzaa Story” by Donna L. Washington
  • “The Tale of Three Trees” by Angela Elwell Hunt

Reading these stories will create a peaceful and soothing bedtime routine, helping children transition from the excitement of the day to a restful night’s sleep on Christmas Eve. So, make it a tradition and embrace the joy of reading together as a family during the holiday season.

Exercise During the Day

Encouraging kids to engage in physical activity during the day can help them expend energy and prepare their bodies for a restful sleep on Christmas Eve. Exercise not only tires them out physically but also helps clear their minds of worries and distractions that might make it harder for them to fall asleep.

There are many fun and festive ways to get kids moving and active on Christmas Eve. Consider organizing a game of tag in the backyard or going for a bike ride around the neighborhood. If they’re feeling too excited to engage in something active, taking a leisurely walk and pointing out the festive decorations along the way can also be beneficial. Even just 10 minutes of exercise can help calm their minds and bodies before bedtime.

Table 1: Fun and Festive Exercises for Kids on Christmas Eve

Activity Description
Snowball Fight Create a soft indoor snowball fight using cotton balls or socks to throw at each other.
Christmas Dance Party Put on some holiday music and have a dance party to get their bodies moving.
Obstacle Course Create a festive obstacle course using items like hula hoops, cones, and Christmas-themed props.
Scavenger Hunt Set up a Christmas-themed scavenger hunt with clues hidden around the house or yard.
Christmas Yoga Guide them through simple yoga poses with a holiday twist, like “reindeer pose” or “snowman pose”.

By incorporating these activities into their day, children will not only have fun but also tire themselves out in a healthy and enjoyable way. This will help them relax and fall asleep more easily on Christmas Eve, ensuring they get the rest they need for a joyous Christmas Day.

Create a Cozy and Comfortable Sleep Environment

Designing a cozy and comfortable sleep environment can help kids feel safe, secure, and ready for a peaceful night’s sleep on Christmas Eve. With the excitement of the holiday, it’s important to create a space that promotes relaxation and sets the stage for a restful night. Here are some tips to create the perfect sleep environment:

  1. Dim the lights: Lowering the lights in the bedroom can create a calming ambiance. Consider using soft, warm lighting or string lights to create a cozy atmosphere.
  2. Hang up festive decorations: Add some holiday cheer to your child’s room by hanging up festive decorations like snowflakes or string lights. These visual elements can create a sense of joy and relaxation.
  3. Choose comfortable bedding: Cozy blankets and comforters can make your child feel snug and secure. Let them choose their favorite blankets and pillows to create a sense of familiarity and comfort.
  4. Include stuffed animals: If your child has a favorite stuffed animal, encourage them to keep it close by on the bed. Having something soft and comforting to hold can provide a sense of security and help them feel more relaxed.
  5. Use soothing scents: Consider using essential oils like lavender or chamomile in a diffuser or a wax warmer. These aromas have been scientifically proven to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality, helping your child drift off into dreamland.

Creating a cozy and comfortable sleep environment for your child can make a big difference in their ability to fall asleep on Christmas Eve. By setting the right mood and incorporating elements that promote relaxation, you can help them feel calm, secure, and ready for a restful night’s sleep.

Tips for Creating a Cozy Sleep Environment Benefits
Dim the lights Creates a calming ambiance
Hang up festive decorations Adds holiday cheer and joy
Choose comfortable bedding Provides a sense of security and comfort
Include stuffed animals Offers a comforting presence
Use soothing scents Promotes relaxation and better sleep

Creating a cozy and comfortable sleep environment is an essential step in helping your child have a restful night’s sleep on Christmas Eve. By incorporating these tips, you can create a space that promotes relaxation, calmness, and a sense of security, setting the stage for a peaceful night’s sleep.

Talk About the Excitement

Talking with your kids about the exciting things to come on Christmas morning can help them feel calmer and more relaxed, leading to a better night’s sleep on Christmas Eve. It’s important to create a safe and open space where they can express their anticipation and emotions. By engaging in a conversation about the upcoming festivities, you can help alleviate their anxieties and manage their expectations.

Encourage your children to share what they are looking forward to the most, whether it’s opening presents, spending time with family, or enjoying special Christmas traditions. Listen actively and validate their feelings, acknowledging their excitement while reassuring them that everything will be wonderful, no matter what happens.

In addition, you can discuss the importance of patience and the joy of anticipation, highlighting that the true magic of Christmas lies in the experience itself. Emphasize that Christmas morning is just one part of the holiday season, and there are many other enjoyable moments to savor. By redirecting their focus from the immediate excitement to the overall holiday experience, you can help cultivate a sense of calmness and contentment.

Tip: Consider incorporating calming activities into your conversations about the excitement. For example, you can engage in deep breathing exercises together or practice visualization techniques, where you imagine being in a peaceful and serene place. These activities can further help your children relax before bedtime on Christmas Eve.

Tips for Talking About the Excitement

  • Set aside quality time each day leading up to Christmas Eve to have these conversations
  • Encourage your children to ask questions and share their thoughts about the holiday
  • Validate their emotions and provide reassurance that their excitement is normal
  • Use calming activities and techniques to help them relax and drift off to sleep
  • Remind them of the joy of anticipation and the magic of the entire holiday season

By talking openly about the excitement and managing expectations, you can create a sense of peace and tranquility for your children on Christmas Eve. Remember to practice active listening, offer reassurance, and engage in calming activities to help them relax and prepare for a restful sleep. By doing so, you can ensure that the night before Christmas is filled with sweet dreams and anticipation for the magical day ahead.

Tips for Adults to Fall Asleep on Christmas Eve

Just like kids, adults can also struggle with falling asleep on Christmas Eve, but with a few simple strategies, they can enjoy a restful night’s sleep.

Avoid Caffeine Late in the Day

One important step in achieving a peaceful sleep on Christmas Eve is to avoid consuming caffeine late in the day. Caffeine is a stimulant that can interfere with your ability to fall asleep. Instead of indulging in that late-night cup of coffee or tea, opt for decaffeinated alternatives. By eliminating caffeine from your system in the evening, you can increase your chances of falling asleep faster and experiencing a more restful sleep.

Take Time for Yourself

During the festive season, it’s important to remember to take time for yourself to relax and unwind. Engaging in activities that promote relaxation can help calm your mind and prepare your body for sleep. Consider practicing meditation or deep breathing exercises to clear your mind of stress and promote a sense of peace. Alternatively, you can find solace in reading a good book or engaging in other mindfulness activities such as coloring or puzzles. These activities provide a wonderful distraction from holiday-related stressors and can help you achieve a state of relaxation before bedtime.

Write Down Your Worries or Thoughts

If you find yourself tossing and turning with racing thoughts on Christmas Eve, try writing them down on a piece of paper. Taking the time to jot down your worries or thoughts can help clear your mind and release any built-up tension. By physically transferring your concerns onto paper, you can alleviate some of the mental burden and create a sense of calm within yourself. This simple act can help ease your mind and make it easier to drift off to sleep.

Tips for Adults to Fall Asleep on Christmas Eve Summary:

  • Avoid consuming caffeine late in the day to promote a restful sleep.
  • Take time for yourself to engage in relaxation activities like meditation or reading.
  • Write down your worries or thoughts to clear your mind and create a sense of calm.
Tip Description
Avoid Caffeine Eliminate caffeine from your system in the evening to improve sleep quality.
Take Time for Yourself Engage in relaxation activities to calm your mind and prepare for sleep.
Write Down Worries Jot down your worries or thoughts to release tension and promote a sense of calm.

Remember, a good night’s sleep on Christmas Eve is essential for a joyful and energized Christmas Day. By implementing these strategies, adults can overcome the difficulties of falling asleep and wake up refreshed and ready to enjoy the festivities.


By implementing these tips and tricks, both kids and adults can find peace and enjoy a restful night’s sleep on Christmas Eve, setting the stage for a memorable and joyful Christmas Day.

For kids, establishing a good bedtime routine that involves soothing activities like a long bath, listening to Christmas music, and reading holiday stories can help them relax and drift off to sleep. Encouraging exercise during the day and creating a cozy sleep environment with dim lighting, festive decorations, and comforting scents can also contribute to a peaceful slumber.

Adults can benefit from avoiding caffeine late in the day, taking time for themselves through meditation or reading, and writing down their worries or thoughts to clear the mind. Embracing relaxation techniques like progressive muscle relaxation, listening to soothing sleep sounds, and practicing aromatherapy with essential oils can also help promote a calm and tranquil sleep.

Remember, Christmas Eve can be filled with excitement and anticipation, but prioritizing sleep is crucial for everyone’s well-being and enjoyment of the holiday festivities. So, try out these sleep solutions to ensure a peaceful night’s rest and wake up refreshed and energized for a joyful Christmas morning.


Q: How can I help my kids fall asleep on Christmas Eve?

A: Establishing a good bedtime routine, reading holiday stories before bed, encouraging exercise during the day, creating a cozy sleep environment, and talking about the excitement can all help kids fall asleep on Christmas Eve.

Q: What are some tips for adults to fall asleep on Christmas Eve?

A: Avoiding caffeine late in the day, taking time for self-care and relaxation, writing down worries or thoughts, and practicing breathing exercises or meditation can all help adults fall asleep on Christmas Eve.

Q: How can I create a cozy sleep environment for my kids on Christmas Eve?

A: Dimming the lights or using soft, Christmas-themed lighting, hanging up festive decorations, using warm blankets and comforters, and incorporating soothing aromas or essential oils can create a cozy and comfortable sleep environment for kids on Christmas Eve.

Q: How can I manage my child’s excitement on Christmas Eve?

A: Talking openly with your child about the exciting things that will happen on Christmas day, managing expectations, and reassuring them that Christmas morning will be special can help take their mind off the present moment and promote a sense of calm and relaxation.

Q: What can I do to help myself relax and fall asleep on Christmas Eve?

A: Avoiding caffeine, taking time for self-care activities like reading or taking a warm bath, practicing breathing exercises or meditation, and creating a comfortable sleep environment can all help adults relax and fall asleep on Christmas Eve.

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