So This is Christmas and What Have We Done: A Reflection

As the holiday season approaches and we prepare to bid farewell to another year, it’s natural to pause and ask ourselves, “So this is Christmas and what have we done?”. This iconic line from the beloved song by John Lennon and Yoko Ono encapsulates the sentiment of reflection that often accompanies the Christmas celebration. It is a time to look back on the year that has passed, contemplate our accomplishments, learn from our challenges, and foster a sense of unity and peace.

Key Takeaways:

  • Christmas is a time for reflection as we approach the end of another year.
  • The song “So This is Christmas” by John Lennon and Yoko Ono prompts us to take inventory of our achievements and personal growth.
  • Reflecting on the challenges we have faced throughout the year allows us to learn valuable lessons and grow as individuals.
  • The holiday season is an opportunity to celebrate global achievements and highlights from the past year.
  • Spreading holiday cheer and participating in Christmas traditions contribute to our reflections and bring joy to the season.
  • Fostering unity and seeking peace are essential components of reflecting on the year and embracing the Christmas spirit.

The Significance of “So This is Christmas” Song

John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s timeless song, “So This is Christmas,” holds a special place in our hearts as we contemplate our achievements and challenges of the past year. With its thought-provoking lyrics and powerful message, this Christmas song has become an anthem of reflection and hope during the holiday season.

The opening lines of the song, “So this is Christmas and what have you done? Another year over, a new one just begun,” immediately capture our attention and prompt us to introspect. These words encourage us to take stock of our accomplishments and reflect on how we can do better in the future. It serves as a reminder to engage in self-reflection and personal growth as we bid farewell to one year and welcome the next.

In addition to its personal significance, “So This is Christmas” also carries a deeper meaning of unity and peace. The song emphasizes the need to come together as a global community and put an end to conflicts and divisions. It reminds us that Christmas is not just about celebrations and festivities but also a time to strive for harmony and understanding.

“War is over if you want it.” These powerful words from the song highlight the importance of personal responsibility and the role each individual plays in creating a better world. It calls on us to actively work towards peace and embrace compassion, empathy, and love in our interactions with others.

Song Title Artist Released
So This is Christmas (War is Over) John Lennon and Yoko Ono 1971

In conclusion, “So This is Christmas” is more than just a holiday song. It serves as a reminder for us to reflect on our personal growth, strive for unity and peace, and make a positive impact in the world. As we listen to this iconic song during the holiday season, let it inspire us to embrace the spirit of Christmas throughout the year.

Reflecting on Personal Accomplishments

Before we delve into the broader world, let’s take a moment to reflect on our own personal accomplishments and growth in the past twelve months. The end of the year is a natural time to pause and look back at how far we’ve come, the goals we’ve achieved, and the lessons we’ve learned along the way. It’s an opportunity to celebrate our successes, acknowledge our challenges, and set new intentions for the future.

Reflecting on the year allows us to gain perspective and appreciation for our personal journey. It’s a chance to recognize the hard work, dedication, and resilience that has brought us to this point. Whether it’s professional achievements, personal milestones, or personal growth, taking stock of what we have accomplished can boost our confidence and motivation for the year ahead.

Creating a list of accomplishments can be a helpful exercise in this process. Not only does it provide a tangible reminder of what we’ve achieved, but it also allows us to see patterns and themes that can guide our future goals. Take the time to write down your achievements, big or small, and give yourself credit for the progress you have made.

Personal Accomplishments Table

Category Accomplishments
Career – Received a promotion
– Successfully completed a challenging project
Education – Graduated with a degree
– Learned a new skill or mastered a subject
Health and Wellness – Ran a marathon
– Achieved weight loss goals
Relationships – Strengthened bonds with loved ones
– Cultivated new friendships
Personal Development – Overcame a fear or challenge
– Developed a positive habit

Remember, reflection is not solely about achievements. It’s also an opportunity to acknowledge the challenges we’ve faced and the lessons we’ve learned. Difficulties and setbacks can serve as valuable teachers, helping us grow and become more resilient. By recognizing the obstacles we have overcome, we can gain a sense of empowerment and use those lessons to foster personal growth in the future.

As we reflect on our personal accomplishments, it’s important to approach this exercise with kindness and self-compassion. Comparison to others is unnecessary and unproductive. Each person’s journey is unique, and what matters most is our own growth and progress. Let’s celebrate our achievements, learn from our challenges, and enter the new year with renewed determination and a sense of pride in how far we’ve come.

Challenges and Lessons Learned

Alongside our accomplishments, it’s crucial to acknowledge the challenges we encountered and the lessons we’ve learned along the way. The past year has been filled with ups and downs, testing our resilience and teaching us valuable insights. Here are some of the notable challenges and the lessons we’ve gained from them:

  • The loss of influential figures: This year, we mourned the passing of many iconic individuals who left a lasting impact on the world. From music legends like David Bowie and Prince to comedic geniuses like Victoria Wood and Caroline Aherne, their legacies will continue to inspire us. Lesson learned: Cherish the contributions of those who touch our lives and appreciate their art while they are still with us.
  • Olympic disappointments: The World Cup and the Olympics brought moments of both pride and disappointment. While Team GB exceeded medal expectations, England’s performance in the World Cup left much to be desired. Lesson learned: Success and failure are both part of life. It’s important to learn from setbacks and use them as motivation to improve in the future.

While these challenges tested our resolve, they also provided valuable lessons that helped shape our personal growth. As we reflect on the year, it’s essential to acknowledge the difficulties we faced and the resilience we exhibited in overcoming them. Through these challenges, we learned the importance of embracing change, staying positive in the face of adversity, and finding strength in unity.

Lessons from the Loss of Iconic Figures

The passing of influential figures like David Bowie and Prince served as a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of leaving a lasting impact. Their contributions to music and art inspired generations and will continue to do so. Lesson learned: Make the most of every opportunity to create, innovate, and express oneself, leaving a positive imprint on the world.

Iconic Figure Contribution Lesson Learned
David Bowie Music and art Create fearlessly and embrace your unique self
Prince Music and activism Use your platform to advocate for causes you believe in

These lessons from the loss of iconic figures remind us to appreciate the creative power within ourselves and the impact we can make on others.

Global Achievements and Highlights

Beyond our individual journeys, let’s take a broader look at the significant global achievements and memorable moments that defined the past year. From remarkable sporting triumphs to noteworthy milestones in the world of art and culture, 2016 was a year filled with both joy and sorrow. Here are some of the standout events that shaped the year:

Remembering the Icons:

2016 will forever be remembered as the year we said goodbye to some of the greatest artistic talents of our time. The passing of legends such as David Bowie, Prince, and Leonard Cohen left a void in the music industry, while the loss of actors Alan Rickman and Carrie Fisher left a profound impact on the world of film. These individuals touched our lives through their artistry, and their legacies will continue to inspire generations to come.

Triumphs on the World Stage:

The year 2016 showcased the indomitable spirit of human achievement on the global stage. The Rio Olympics saw athletes from around the world unite in the pursuit of excellence, with Team GB exceeding all expectations and surpassing their medal targets. The Paralympics also witnessed incredible displays of strength and determination, with Great Britain securing an astounding 147 medals. These extraordinary sporting achievements remind us of the power of dedication and resilience.

A Time for Unity:

2016 was a year that emphasized the importance of unity and solidarity. The world witnessed numerous significant events that brought people together, transcending boundaries and divisions. The celebration of Queen Elizabeth’s 90th birthday served as a reminder of her longstanding reign and the remarkable unifying force she represents. The camaraderie and support displayed during the Olympics and the global outpouring of grief following the tragic loss of musical icon George Michael demonstrated the strength of our collective spirit.

A Call for Change:

Amidst the celebrations and achievements, 2016 was also a year that brought awareness to the pressing need for change. The passing of Muhammad Ali, a true legend and a symbol of fighting for justice, reminded us of the ongoing struggle for equality and the importance of using our voices for positive change. The lyrics of John Lennon’s iconic Christmas song, “Happy Xmas (War is Over),” resonated deeply as a call to reflect on the state of the world and our individual contributions to peace.

These global achievements and highlights remind us that our actions and choices have a collective impact on the world around us. As we reflect on the past year, let us strive for unity, peace, and positive change in the year ahead.

Event Significance
Passing of Icons Artistic legends David Bowie, Prince, and Leonard Cohen left a lasting impact on the music industry.
Olympic Triumph Team GB’s exceptional performance at the Rio Olympics surpassed medal targets and showcased the spirit of athleticism.
Queen Elizabeth’s 90th Birthday A celebration of unity and an acknowledgment of the Queen’s incredible reign.
Loss of Muhammad Ali The passing of the boxing legend reminded us of the ongoing fight for equality and justice.

Spreading Holiday Cheer

The holiday season brings with it a unique blend of traditions and celebrations that add warmth and meaning to our reflections. It’s a time when we gather with loved ones, exchange gifts, and indulge in festive treats. Christmas celebration is not just about the presents under the tree, but also about the joy and traditions that accompany this special time of year.

One iconic song that captures the essence of Christmas reflection is “So This is Christmas” by John Lennon and Yoko Ono. With its thought-provoking lyrics, the song encourages us to look back on the year and consider what we have achieved and what we can do better. It reminds us to take stock of our personal growth and contributions to the world. As the song asks, “what have you done?” it prompts us to reflect on our actions and the impact we have had.

This season is also a time to spread cheer to those around us. It’s a time to give back to our communities, support charitable causes, and show kindness to others. Whether it’s volunteering at a local shelter or donating to a toy drive, there are numerous ways to make a positive difference in the lives of those less fortunate.

A Year of Notable Achievements

In addition to personal reflections, it’s important to recognize the global achievements and highlights of the year. 2016 saw many significant events and accomplishments that shaped our world. From the success of Team GB at the Olympics to the Queen’s 90th birthday celebrations, there were moments of triumph and celebration.

One event that brought the world together was the Rio Olympics. Team GB exceeded expectations and brought home a record number of medals, showcasing the talent and dedication of our athletes. The Paralympics also showcased the incredible achievements of para-athletes, reinforcing the importance of inclusivity and breaking down barriers.

While we celebrated these achievements, we also mourned the loss of many notable individuals who left a lasting impact on our society. From music icons like David Bowie and Prince to legends like Muhammad Ali, their contributions will forever be remembered.

Reflection and Looking Ahead

As we embrace the holiday season and reflect on the year, it’s essential to consider the lessons learned from challenges faced. 2016 was not without its difficulties, but adversity often provides valuable opportunities for growth. Reflecting on these challenges helps us gain perspective and build resilience as we move forward into the new year.

Ultimately, the holiday season reminds us to foster unity and seek peace in our reflections. It’s a time to set aside differences and come together as a community. In the words of John Lennon and Yoko Ono, “war is over if you want it.” Let us carry this message of peace and harmony into the new year, spreading joy and love to all.

Notable Achievements of 2016
Olympic success for Team GB
Queen Elizabeth’s 90th birthday celebrations
Loss of music legends David Bowie and Prince
Muhammad Ali’s enduring legacy

A Call for Unity and Peace

In the spirit of Christmas, let us reflect on the need for unity and peace, both in our personal lives and in the world at large. The iconic song “So This is Christmas” by John Lennon and Yoko Ono reminds us of the importance of coming together and making positive changes. The lyrics of the song prompt us to consider what we have accomplished during the past year and how we can contribute to a better future.

“So this is Christmas and what have you done? Another year over, a new one just begun.”

These powerful lines encourage self-reflection and a personal inventory of our achievements and actions. They remind us that every individual has the power to make a difference and promote peace. Reflecting on the past year allows us to appreciate our accomplishments and identify areas for growth and improvement.

In today’s world, unity and peace are more important than ever. The challenges we faced in the past year, from a global pandemic to social and political divisions, emphasize the need for understanding and cooperation. By reflecting on our own actions and choices, we can take steps towards creating a more united and peaceful society.

As we celebrate the holiday season, let us remember that the spirit of Christmas goes beyond gift-giving and festivities. It is a time to foster unity, kindness, and empathy towards others. By spreading holiday cheer and embodying the values of love and compassion, we can contribute to a world where peace and unity prevail.

Reflecting on the Year Looking Back on the Past Year Holiday Reflections
Self-reflection on achievements and growth Appreciating accomplishments Fostering unity and peace
Identifying areas for improvement Contributing to a better future Spreading holiday cheer
Promoting understanding and cooperation Embodying the values of love and compassion

In conclusion, the holiday season presents us with an opportunity to reflect on the year gone by and look towards the future with hope and determination. Let us embrace the call for unity and peace, both in our personal lives and in the world around us. By making conscious choices and fostering a spirit of togetherness, we can create a brighter tomorrow for ourselves and future generations. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


As we come to the end of this reflective journey, let us carry the spirit of Christmas with us as we embrace the new year ahead. The iconic song “So This is Christmas” by John Lennon and Yoko Ono reminds us to take a moment to reflect on the year that has passed and the year that is to come. It challenges us to ask ourselves, “What have we done?” and prompts us to consider our personal accomplishments, challenges faced, and lessons learned.

Reflecting on our personal achievements allows us to appreciate how far we have come and gives us the motivation to continue striving for growth and improvement. It is a time to count our blessings and acknowledge the hard work we have put into reaching our goals throughout the year.

However, reflection is not only about celebrating our successes. It is also about recognizing the challenges we have encountered and the valuable lessons they have taught us. The obstacles we face shape us and provide opportunities for growth and resilience. By reflecting on these challenges, we can gain insights into our strengths and weaknesses, empowering us to face future trials with confidence.

On a global scale, reflecting on the year allows us to acknowledge the significant achievements and events that have shaped our world. From the Olympic Games and Team GB’s outstanding performance to the celebration of Queen Elizabeth reaching 90 years on the throne, there have been moments of triumph and inspiration. However, we must also remember those who have left a lasting legacy, including the talented musicians, actors, and athletes who have passed away.

During the holiday season, we are reminded of the joy and traditions that accompany Christmas. It is a time to spread cheer and kindness to others, fostering a sense of unity and bringing people together. As we reflect on the year, let us remember the importance of compassion, love, and understanding in our interactions with others.

Ultimately, reflection during the holiday season allows us to pause, take stock of our experiences, and set intentions for the future. It is a time to appreciate our accomplishments, learn from our challenges, and strive for unity and peace. So, as we celebrate Christmas and look towards the new year, let us carry the spirit of reflection with us, embracing the opportunities and growth that lie ahead.


Q: What is the significance of the song “So This is Christmas”?

A: The song “So This is Christmas” is a holiday classic that encourages reflection on the year and promotes unity and peace during the Christmas season.

Q: How can I reflect on my personal accomplishments during the year?

A: Take a moment to look back on your achievements, milestones, and personal growth throughout the year. Consider what you are most proud of and how you can continue to improve in the future.

Q: What challenges and lessons can be learned from the past year?

A: Reflect on the challenges you faced and the valuable lessons they taught you. Use these experiences to grow and develop as you move forward.

Q: What were some notable global achievements and highlights of the past year?

A: Explore significant events and achievements that occurred on a global scale during the year. This may include cultural milestones, sporting accomplishments, or scientific advancements.

Q: How do holiday traditions contribute to our reflections on the year?

A: Holiday traditions can evoke feelings of joy, nostalgia, and gratitude, providing a moment for reflection on the year’s experiences and the importance of family and community.

Q: Why is unity and peace important in our reflections on the year?

A: Fostering unity and seeking peace are core values that can guide our reflections on the year. It reminds us of the importance of coming together and working towards a better world.

Q: How should I conclude my reflections on the year during the holiday season?

A: Summarize the key points of your reflections and emphasize the significance of taking time to reflect and set intentions for the future. Appreciate the moments of the year and look forward to new opportunities.

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