Step-by-Step Guide: How to Cancel Twitch Affiliate Easily

As a Twitch Affiliate, you have access to a range of benefits, including earning revenue from subscriptions and ad revenue. However, there may come a time when you want to cancel your Twitch Affiliate status. The process may seem daunting, but it is actually straightforward if you follow the right steps.

In this guide, I will provide you with a step-by-step process for cancelling your Twitch Affiliate status. I will also provide you with tips on how to make the process as smooth and easy as possible.

Key Takeaways:

  • Canceling your Twitch Affiliate status is a straightforward process if you follow the right steps.
  • Gathering all the necessary information and documents required for cancellation is crucial.
  • Reviewing the terms and conditions associated with cancelling Twitch Affiliate is important.
  • Consider taking a break from streaming instead of permanently cancelling your Twitch Affiliate status.

Understanding Twitch Affiliate Cancellation Process

If you are considering cancelling your Twitch Affiliate status, it is important to understand the process involved. To begin, navigate to the Twitch website and log in to your account. From there, you will need to follow a few steps in order to successfully cancel your Twitch Affiliate account.

Gathering Information

Before beginning the cancellation process, gather any necessary information or documents that may be required. This might include tax information, bank account details, or any agreements or contracts associated with your Twitch Affiliate status.

Having these documents on hand will ensure a smooth and efficient cancellation process.

Contacting Twitch Support

Once you have gathered all necessary information, contact Twitch Support to initiate the cancellation process. You can do this by submitting a support ticket through the Twitch website.

It is important to note that the cancellation process for Twitch Affiliate is not immediate. It may take several days for Twitch to process your request and remove your Affiliate status from your account.

Providing Reason for Cancellation

When contacting Twitch Support, be sure to provide a reason for your cancellation request. This information can help Twitch improve their services and better understand the needs of their users.

Additionally, providing a reason for cancellation may help expedite the process and ensure that your request is processed in a timely manner.

Reviewing Terms and Conditions

Prior to cancelling your Twitch Affiliate status, be sure to review the terms and conditions associated with the cancellation process. This will help you understand any potential consequences or requirements involved.

It is important to note that cancelling your Twitch Affiliate status may impact your ability to use certain features or services on the Twitch platform.

Overall, the process of cancelling your Twitch Affiliate status requires careful consideration and preparation. By following these steps and understanding the implications involved, you can successfully navigate the cancellation process and make an informed decision for your streaming career.

Gathering Important Information

If you have decided to cancel your Twitch Affiliate account, it is essential to gather all the necessary information and documents required for the cancellation process. This will ensure that the process is as smooth and efficient as possible.

First, make sure you have access to your Twitch account login credentials, including your username and password. You will need these to initiate the cancellation process.

Next, review any agreements or contracts you signed when you became a Twitch Affiliate. These documents may contain specific information about the cancellation process or any requirements you need to meet before cancelling your account. It is crucial to review these terms and conditions carefully to understand the consequences of cancelling your account.

If you’ve received any payments from Twitch, make sure you have all the necessary tax documents such as a W-9 or 1099 form. These documents will be required by Twitch to complete the cancellation process.

Finally, it is also advisable to take note of any outstanding payments or pending transactions on your account before cancelling. This will help you to track any payments that you are owed by Twitch.

Contacting Twitch Support

Once you have gathered all the necessary information, the next step is to contact Twitch Support and initiate the cancellation process. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Twitch Help Center.
  2. Click on the “Contact Us” button located at the bottom of the page.
  3. Select “Account/Login Issues” as the type of issue.
  4. Select “I need to end/close my Twitch Prime or Amazon Prime Video membership” as the specific issue.
  5. Fill in the required fields with your account information and provide a brief explanation of your request.
  6. Click “Submit” to send your request to Twitch Support.


If you have trouble finding the appropriate form, try using the live chat feature available on the Twitch Help Center. You may also consider sending an email to Twitch Support, but response times may vary.

Providing Reason for Cancellation

It is important to provide a reason for terminating your Twitch Affiliate status. This helps Twitch understand the reasons behind your decision and can help them improve their services for other streamers in the future. When contacting Twitch Support, be prepared to explain your reasons in a clear and concise manner.

You can also use this opportunity to provide any feedback or suggestions you may have for Twitch, as they are always looking for ways to improve the user experience. Remember, providing a reason for cancellation is not only beneficial for Twitch, but it can also provide closure for you as a streamer and help you move on to your next steps in your streaming career.


Keep in mind that Twitch may not honor all requests for cancellation, as they have their own policies and procedures in place. However, providing a clear explanation and reason for your request can increase the likelihood of a successful cancellation.

Reviewing Terms and Conditions

Before finalizing your Twitch Affiliate cancellation request, it is important to review and understand the associated terms and conditions. This will ensure that you are aware of any potential consequences or impact on your Twitch account.

Some key information to keep in mind when reviewing the terms and conditions include:

Term Explanation
Minimum Payout Threshold As an Affiliate, you may have earned revenue through the Twitch Affiliate program. Before cancelling, ensure that you have met the minimum payout threshold to receive any outstanding earnings.
Contractual Obligations Be aware of any contractual obligations associated with being a Twitch Affiliate, such as exclusivity clauses or promotional requirements. Consider how cancelling your Affiliate status will affect these obligations.
Public Profile and Content Review Twitch’s policies on public profiles and content, and consider how cancelling your Affiliate status may impact your visibility or access to certain features.

By reviewing and understanding the terms and conditions, you can make an informed decision about cancelling your Twitch Affiliate status. If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to Twitch Support for further assistance.

Confirming Cancellation Request

After submitting the cancellation request, it’s important to take the necessary steps to ensure it is successfully processed. Twitch Support will typically respond to your request within a few days and provide instructions on next steps.

Once you receive a response from Twitch Support, carefully review the instructions provided and follow them closely. This may involve providing additional information or confirming your request through a specific channel.

It’s essential to confirm your cancellation request to finalize the process and ensure that you are no longer an active Twitch Affiliate. Failure to follow through on the confirmation steps may result in continued charges or obligations associated with your account.

Overall, confirming the cancellation request is a crucial step in successfully ending your Twitch Affiliate status. Once the cancellation is confirmed, you will need to transition to a regular user and consider alternative options for monetization, such as sponsorships or donations.

Understanding the Impact on Twitch Partnership

It’s important to understand the potential impact on your Twitch Partnership when you cancel your Twitch Affiliate status. While cancelling your Affiliate status doesn’t automatically terminate your Partnership agreement, it can affect your eligibility for certain benefits and opportunities.

For example, cancelling your Affiliate status may cause a temporary loss of revenue and viewership as you transition to a regular user. You may also lose access to certain features, such as ad revenue sharing and exclusive emotes. Keep in mind that returning to Affiliate status after cancelling requires meeting the same requirements as a new applicant.

Transitioning to Regular User

Transitioning from Affiliate to regular user can be a challenging process. It’s important to stay engaged with your community and continue to provide quality content. Consider reaching out to your audience for support and feedback.

Take advantage of the resources available to regular Twitch users, such as the Creator Dashboard and Twitch Studio. These tools can help you grow your channel and connect with your audience.

Exploring Partnership Opportunities

If you decide to cancel your Affiliate status, you may want to explore other Partnership opportunities on Twitch or other streaming platforms. Consider reaching out to other streamers and networks for support and collaboration.

Remember that Partnership isn’t the only way to succeed on Twitch. Focus on producing quality content and engaging with your audience. With dedication and hard work, you can build a thriving community and achieve your streaming goals.

Considering Alternatives

If you are contemplating cancelling your Twitch Partnership, it is essential to weigh your options carefully. Terminating your partnership might seem like the only solution, but there are alternative routes you could consider before taking such a drastic step. Keep in mind that ending your affiliation may not always be the right solution, as it may have significant impacts on your reach, revenue, and audience.

Before you decide to cancel your Twitch Partnership, it is crucial to explore other options that will allow you to achieve your goals without completely severing your relationship with Twitch. Here are some alternative routes that you could consider:

  1. Reduce your stream frequency: If you are feeling overwhelmed or experiencing burnout from streaming, consider reducing your stream frequency instead of cancelling your Twitch Partnership. This change will allow you to recharge, without losing your established audience.
  2. Shift your stream content: If your current stream content is not gaining traction as expected, consider switching to another type of content. This move presents an opportunity for you to attract a new audience without completely cancelling your Twitch Partnership.
  3. Engage with your audience: Your viewers are your best supporters and could provide insights into why your channel is not performing as expected. Engage with them on social media and ask for feedback on how you could enhance your content, which can improve your reach and engagement.
  4. Collaborate with other streamers: Collaborating with other streamers in your niche presents an opportunity to reach a new audience and expand your reach without cancelling your Twitch Partnership. Identify streamers with similar interests as yours, exchange ideas, and create joint content.
  5. Take a break: If you are feeling overwhelmed or experiencing burnout, consider taking a break from streaming instead of cancelling your Twitch Partnership. Taking a break can offer time to recharge, reflect, and come back more focused.

Before making any decisions, weigh the pros and cons of each option and experiment with what best works for you. Remember, cancelling your Twitch Partnership should always be the last resort.

Seeking Additional Support

Terminating Twitch Affiliate status can be a complex and challenging process, and it’s important to seek additional support if you’re struggling to complete the steps outlined in this guide.

If you’re encountering technical difficulties, you can reach out to Twitch Support for assistance. They can help you troubleshoot any issues and guide you through the process. Additionally, there are many online communities and forums where streamers can seek advice and support from others who have gone through the cancellation process.

It’s also important to take care of your mental health during this time. Cancelling your Affiliate status can be an emotional decision, and it’s okay to take a break from streaming or seek professional help if needed. Consider reaching out to a therapist or counselor who can offer guidance and support as you navigate this transition.

Taking a Break vs. Permanent Cancellation

Deciding to cancel your Twitch Affiliate status is a significant decision that should not be taken lightly. Before going through with the cancellation process, it’s important to consider whether a break from streaming may be a more suitable option for you.

If you are feeling overwhelmed or burnt out from streaming, taking a break may be a more appropriate option. This could involve reducing the frequency of your streams, taking a short hiatus, or exploring alternative activities to help you recharge and find new inspiration.

On the other hand, if you have made the decision to permanently cancel your Twitch Affiliate status, it’s important to be aware of the potential consequences. This could include losing certain benefits associated with the program, such as revenue from ads and subscriptions, access to exclusive features, and the ability to earn revenue through Twitch Bits. Additionally, cancelling your Twitch Affiliate status could impact your ability to qualify for Twitch Partnership in the future.

It’s important to carefully consider your options and weigh the potential impact on your channel and community before making a decision. Remember, taking a break or cancelling your Twitch Affiliate status is a personal choice, and there is no right or wrong answer.


Canceling Twitch Affiliate status may seem like a daunting process, but by following the step-by-step guide and gathering all the necessary information, it can be done easily and efficiently. It’s important to understand the impact that canceling Twitch Affiliate may have on your partnership status and to review the terms and conditions associated with the cancellation process.

If you’re considering canceling your Twitch Affiliate status, it’s also important to explore alternative options and seek additional support or resources if needed. Taking a break from streaming may be a better option than permanently canceling your Affiliate status.

Overall, canceling Twitch Affiliate status is a personal decision that should be made after careful consideration. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that the cancellation process goes smoothly and that you’re well-informed throughout the process.


Q: What is Twitch Affiliate?

A: Twitch Affiliate is a program that allows streamers to monetize their content by earning revenue through subscriptions, ads, and other means.

Q: How do I cancel my Twitch Affiliate account?

A: To cancel your Twitch Affiliate account, you need to contact Twitch Support and follow the steps outlined in their cancellation process.

Q: What information do I need to gather before cancelling my Twitch Affiliate account?

A: Before cancelling your Twitch Affiliate account, gather all the necessary information and documents, such as your account details, payment history, and any relevant agreements or contracts.

Q: How do I contact Twitch Support to initiate the cancellation process?

A: To contact Twitch Support and initiate the cancellation process, go to the Twitch Support website and follow the steps outlined for account cancellation.

Q: Why is it important to provide a reason for cancellation?

A: Providing a reason for cancellation helps Twitch understand your decision and may assist them in improving their services. It also helps to ensure a smooth cancellation process.

Q: What should I consider when reviewing the terms and conditions for cancelling Twitch Affiliate?

A: When reviewing the terms and conditions for cancelling Twitch Affiliate, pay attention to any potential consequences, such as the impact on Twitch Partnership or the loss of certain privileges or benefits.

Q: How do I confirm my cancellation request and ensure it is successfully processed?

A: Follow the final steps provided by Twitch Support to confirm your cancellation request. Double-check all the information you have provided and ensure that you receive confirmation from Twitch that your request has been processed.

Q: What is the potential impact on Twitch Partnership when cancelling Twitch Affiliate?

A: Cancelling Twitch Affiliate may affect your eligibility for Twitch Partnership. It’s important to understand the implications and consider how this transition may affect your streaming goals and revenue sources.

Q: Are there alternatives to cancelling my Twitch Affiliate status?

A: Yes, there are alternatives to cancelling your Twitch Affiliate status. Consider taking a break from streaming or exploring other platforms or programs that may better suit your needs.

Q: What should I do if I face challenges during the cancellation process?

A: If you face challenges during the cancellation process, seek additional support or resources from Twitch Support or other streamers who have gone through a similar experience.

Q: What is the difference between taking a break from streaming and permanently cancelling Twitch Affiliate status?

A: Taking a break from streaming allows you to step back temporarily without permanently ending your Twitch Affiliate status. Cancelling Twitch Affiliate status means terminating your partnership with Twitch indefinitely.

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